I’m Richelle Hudson.

About Me.


The arts is my passion

Get To
Know Me.

Hi there! I’m a fun loving, happy go lucky female who works in an office by day, but is a complete dreamer by night. I live in Toronto, Canada and this is my website. Let’s dabble in this thing called life together. Living my dream, one post at a time.

What makes me tick

Who Am I really?

My Background.

I was born in Canada but I’ve actually lived in three (3) different countries; Canada, Jamaica and the United States of America. I have eight (8) siblings, of which I am the last born.

Guilty Pleasures.

I love watching soap operas: The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful, you name it, I’ve watched it or I’m still watching it. I also love watching reality television and reading romance novels.

Good to Know.

I absolutely love a good burger (preferably a cheeseburger), milkshakes make me all warm and fuzzy on the inside and Oxtail with rice and peas is my favorite dish. I am well acquainted with my gif keyboard and I can appreciate a good meme.

What is this blog about?




Take a break from everyday mundane tasks through travel.


Self Care

Feel great about the skin you’re in by taking the necessary steps to feel good, look good and smell good



Beauty and fashion are a “girly girls” best friend. Getting all dolled up every once in a while can make you feel great even when you don’t feel your best.

more about me


To be honest, this little 4’11” tall lady did not see this coming. At first I thought that I would start a journal- a grown up diary for all intents and purposes. But then I thought; “nah, let’s go big!” and then this little slice of my online haven was born.


To date, I have traveled to nine (9) different countries- ten (10) if you include the country I reside in (do people usually count their home country in this type of list? haha). Traveling for me is my happy place. No matter what is going on in my life, going on adventures, soaking up rich history and trying new foods make me extremely happy.


I love reading. Most books that you’ll find in my personal library will consist of autobiography, romance, fiction, self help, cook books; mostly written by people of color. It is important to me that when my nieces and nephews see my collection of books, they see themselves in them. Representation matters.


I love movies; television in general. I even studied about cinema in school learning about the differences of cinema in the early years compared to now. As a child, you couldn’t tell me I wasn’t going to be an actress haha. However life had other plans.


Music is a vital part of who I am. I have a song for every situation. At work, they’ve become so accustomed to hearing me singing under my breath or humming a tune that if I am utterly quiet, they get worried. I’m no Jennifer Hudson, but I can at least hold a note haha.